The Instructional Course in Hand Surgery recently held in Manchester focused on tendon injury, paralysis and rehabilitation. This course attracted about 100 delegates from all over Europe. Multiple lectures covered surgical restoration of hand function using tendon transfer techniques for example after plexus and nerve injuries, cerebral palsy, stroke and tetraplegia. In additon to British lecturers, three international speakers were invited: Professor Jan Fridén, Sweden, Professor Marco Ritt, the Netherlands and Dr Michael Sandow, Australia. Professor Fridén presented an overview of current knowledge in tetraplegia hand surgery with emphasis on reconstructive techniques for triceps function, grip and grasp and tetraplegia with spasticity. Much of the ensuing debate dealt with strategies to increase the awareness about the new and more efficient methods among rehabilitation doctors and neurologists. Participants asked why there are such big differences in availability of surgery between different countries. No simple answer could be presented but the congress delegates agreed that everybody has a personal responsibility to spread the knowledge about the recent advances and success in tetraplegia hand surgery.