Monday, January 8, 2018

Tetrahand World Congress 2018

It is a great pleasure to announce the Tetrahand World Congress 2018 in Nottwil, Switzerland . This will be the 12th International Congress on Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity in Tetraplegia.
Our congress will be held in conjunction with the annual IFESS (International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society) Congress at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre on 28-31 August 2018.(IFESS 2018 Congress website)
We are looking forward to an outstanding scientific program covering the key topics of Tetrahand surgery and rehabilitation with focus on patient perceived outcomes, innovative techniques and workshops for surgeons and therapists.
I offer you a warm welcome to the Tetrahand World Congress 2018 and look forward to seeing you in Nottwil!

Jan Fridén
Congress Chair