Therapists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden met in Gothenburg in the end of November. During three intensive
days we discussed, learned from each other and tried to reach consensus upon
rehabilitation after reconstructive upper limb surgery. We had detailed discussions about outcome
measures and rehabilitation strategies for triceps reconstructions, grip
reconstructions and surgery for spasticity-induced deformities. Each country described
the rehabilitation strategies today and Jette Skyggebjerg from Denmark gave us a short report from the recently published
article about long term follow up on the surgeries performed in Denmark. We
also visited a training session with a patient two days after grip
reconstruction. At the end of this brief summit, a
first version of Nordic guidelines for rehabilitation after tetraplegia upper limb
surgery was agreed upon. Each unit will
discuss this initial version and further work will be done during the next NORTH-meeting that will be hosted in Denmark in September 2015. The meeting did however not only include hard
work. During the evenings we had social activities including dining,
singing, boat trip and sauna including bath in the 7°C “warm” ocean! We got
to know each other more and are looking forward to future cooperation between our
Finally, we would like to extend a special thanks to
Professor Leiv Hove in Bergen, Norway and the Nordic Council for financial
support that made this meeting both memorable and fruitful.
Johanna Wangdell, Anna-Karin Gustavsson & Lina Bunketorp- Käll
Participants shown in picture: Island: Sigþrúður (Sissu) Loftsdóttir, Sunna Kristinsdóttir. Finland: Leena Mäntylä, Pia Nahi. Denmark: Susanne Berner
Nielsen, Jette Skyggebjerg. Norway: Anett Myhre Kallevik, Elin Widegren Norum. Sweden: Johanna
Wangdell, Anna-Karin Gustavsson, Lina Bunketorp- Käll