The San Diego Skeletal Muscle Research Center had Professor Jan Fridén from University of Gothenburg, Sweden as national seminar speaker at the Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute on July 9th, 2012. Dr. Fridén presented and challenged, step by step, multiple dogmas in tendon transfer surgery. For example, immobilization vs. immediate postoperatieve training, tensioning of the tendon transfer complex during transfer, surgeons' decision-making strategies, age aspects and the future of nerve transfer in tetrahand surgery were thoroughly illustrated and discussed during this one-hour presentation. The audience actively participated and the discussions included several topics ranging from very technical aspects of surgical reconstruction to measures to increase awareness as well as the need for international network, communication and training courses for hand surgeons, basic scientists and therapists. Examples of successful developments were given from Sweden and Switzerland. Professor Fridén repeatedly emphasized the need to strengthen the axis "Surgeons-Therapists-Rehabilitation Medicine Specialists-Basic Scientists.